Manual Handling

HLTWHS005 Conduct Manual Tasks Safely
In every industry, workers are exposed to day-to-day activities which involve some kind of manual handling tasks.
Hazardous manual tasks put employees at increased risk of musculoskeletal disorders. These tasks are the most common workplace injuries across Australia. The first step in managing risks from carrying out manual tasks is to provide training, information and instruction.
Our courses ensure workers can identify, assess and implement control measures to minimise the risks and undertake these tasks safely.
Industry focused course - can be tailored to meet the requirements of your industry, such as mining or construction. The course focuses on SMART lifting, field ergonomics and managing hazardous manual tasks. This Manual Handling course looks at good work design, the physical work environment and use of appropriate equipment to minimise the risks of musculoskeletal disorders.
Health worker focused course - delivered by health care professionals using fully equipped training rooms.
Focusing on Manual Handling in caring environments, this course is concerned with support worker’s ability to carry out their work in a safe manner within a prescribed range of functions involving known manual handling routines and procedures. This Manual Handling Training aims to build an understanding of the nature and type of injuries that occur from performing manual handling, the role and responsibility of employers and employees in relation to manual handling safety, and key aspects of the risk assessment approach to manual handling tasks. The training has a strong practical component focusing on safe manual handling practices for transferring patients using slide sheets and hoists.
It is recommended that all staff directly involved in moving and handling clients, as well as their managers and supervisor’s skills are updated annually.
Conduct Manual Tasks Safely is an 7.5-hour course delivered face to face in 1 day.
We also offer non-accredited and refresher manual handling training, please contact us for details.